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Dog Vaccination - Vaccinations for Dogs

Vaccination is a crucial component of preventive healthcare for dogs. Here's an overview of common vaccinations recommended for dogs:

Core Vaccines:
  • Canine Distemper Virus (CDV): This vaccine protects against a highly contagious virus that affects a dog's respiratory, gastrointestinal, and nervous systems. Canine distemper can be severe and potentially fatal, especially in puppies. 
  • Canine Parvovirus (CPV): This vaccine protects against parvovirus, a highly contagious virus that causes severe gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhoea, and dehydration. Parvovirus infection can be life-threatening, particularly in young puppies.
  • Canine Adenovirus Type 2 (CAV-2): This vaccine protects against adenovirus type 2, which is one of the causes of infectious canine hepatitis. Adenovirus can lead to liver disease and respiratory problems in dogs.
  • Rabies: This vaccine protects against the rabies virus, which is transmitted through the bite of an infected animal. Rabies is a fatal viral disease that affects the nervous system of mammals, including dogs and humans. Rabies vaccination is often required by law and is essential for both animal and public health
Non-Core Vaccines:
  • Canine Parainfluenza Virus (CPiV): This vaccine is often included in combination vaccines and helps protect against a virus that contributes to infectious respiratory diseases in dogs. 
  • Bordetella bronchiseptica: This vaccine protects against bordetella bacteria, which can cause kennel cough, a highly contagious respiratory infection that spreads rapidly in environments where dogs are housed together, such as boarding facilities and shelters. 
  • Canine Leptospirosis: This vaccine protects against leptospirosis bacteria, which can be transmitted through contact with infected urine, water, or soil. Leptospirosis can cause serious health issues in dogs, including kidney and liver damage, and can also be transmitted to humans.
Vaccination schedules may vary based on factors such as the dog's age, lifestyle, health status, and local disease prevalence. Puppies typically receive a series of vaccinations starting at around 6-8 weeks of age, with booster shots administered at regular intervals until they reach adulthood. Adult dogs require periodic booster vaccinations to maintain immunity.

It's essential to consult with a veterinarian to determine the most appropriate vaccination protocol for your dog based on their individual needs and circumstances. Veterinarians can provide tailored recommendations and guidance on vaccination schedules, potential risks, and any specific concerns you may have regarding your dog's health. Regular veterinary check-ups are also an opportunity to discuss vaccination status and update preventive care plans as needed.

Here is the list of approved vaccines for dogs in Malaysia: Approved Vaccine in Canine